
VB to become part of NELEP Extended Careers Hub!

September 10th, 2019

We are proud to announce that Venerable Bede CE Academy has been confirmed as one of the few schools in our region to be involved in the new North East Ambition Programme, EXTENDED CAREERS HUB!

To find out more click here (opens in new tab/window)

Academy Expectations

September 6th, 2019

At Venerable Bede CE Academy we have three simple expectations for how our pupils should conduct themselves.

We expect pupils to be readyrespectful and safe:

  • To be ready for school and for learning
  • To be respectful to both themselves and others
  • To act safely when in lessons and around our academy

These three simple expectations help to foster consistency of approach across our academy and the Dayspring Trust, working in tandem with our DEEP curriculum to create a strong learning environment.

Church of England Digital Charter

July 8th, 2019

Recently the Dayspring Trust and Venerable Bede Academy signed up to the Church of England Digital Charter.

This is a voluntary pledge that the Church of England is encouraging individual Christians as well as churches to sign to help make social media and the web more widely positive places for conversations to happen.

The digital landscape has changed so much in the last few years and will continue to do so as technology develops. It’s important to think about how the conversations we’re having can help change someone’s newsfeed for the better.

You can read more about the charter and sign up yourself by clicking here or the image below (link opens in new window).

The charter invites us to share in this prayer:

God, whose Holy Spirit
fills the hearts of all your faithful people,
enable us to share your love for all those we encounter
both in the physical world and online,
as in word and deed, we proclaim the risen life
of Jesus Christ your Son our Lord.

Prayer Spaces 2019 – Updated!

June 27th, 2019

Following the completion of the Prayer Spaces 2019 project ‘Reservoirs of Hope’ a short video was compiled (available to view above) documenting the process which was then exhibited at the ‘Waymark Conference‘ in October.

The purpose of the conference, named Waymark, was to reflect on mission, leadership and culture change in our Diocese and to prayerfully discern the way ahead.

The Waymark weekend had a mixture of guest contributions, group and informal discussions, as well as opportunities for quiet reflection and prayer.

This was the second annual Waymark Conference. When launching the event in November 2018, Bishop Paul said: “This conference, and the build-up to it over the coming months, mark a critical period in the life of our Diocese. We have named the conference Waymark, as our gathering will be an important step on our journey; a moment of arrival, of pausing for reflection, and then moving ahead together.

“My hope is that these next few months of listening and learning ahead of, and in preparation for, Waymark, will help us to maximize our learning from our involvement with the Missional Leadership for Growth programme, the Partnership for Missional Church process, our Setting God’s People Free learning community, and our experiences in creating and sustaining Resource Churches.”

Continue reading below to see Venerable Bede CE Academy’s original ‘Prayer Spaces’ post and please also visit our ‘Christian Ethos‘ page to read more about how our core Christian values inform everyday life here at the academy as well as take the opportunity to view further videos about ‘Prayer Spaces’ and our ethos in action.


Original Post – 10 July 2019

Pupils from Venerable Bede have been invited once again to take part in a ‘Prayer Spaces’ event.

These events aim to highlight that prayer can take many forms and be practised almost anywhere. One key aim is to help to improve mental health by giving time to reflect on the positives in life.

This year, participants have been encouraged, as part of a team, to develop their own ‘Prayer Space’ activities.

Venerable Bede’s contributions are focused around the phrase “Reservoir of Hope”. 

We wish our Prayer Space Ambassadors the best of luck as they continue to develop their ideas. 

Our event is being hosted in school during the summer term. The aim is to allow pupils to explore life’s questions, in a safe, creative way.

Elijah Dowsett, one of our Religious Education Ambassadors, said:

“We are looking forward to creating our own prayer spaces journey and hoping to help as many people as possible.”

The 2019 initiative was launched earlier this year; images from that event can be seen on the below.

Y6 Transition Evening – Tuesday 25 June 2019

June 24th, 2019

A wealth of useful information was shared at this well attended event! If you were unable to attend and would like to find out more, please contact us

Celebrating Summer at VB

June 24th, 2019

Excitment is building for the next live event to be held in ‘Bede Hall’! Find the poster below and check back soon for more information!