
Teenage Years Advice and Support for Families

April 29th, 2019

We have been fortunate to secure a series of advice workshops that will take place here at Venerable Bede CE Academy.

The workshops will take the form of presentations and discussions each with the goal of lending support to families navigating the increasingly complex teenage years. All parents/carers of pupils who attend Venerable Bede are welcome to register to attend.

Details of the events can be found on the poster included on this page (click the image to enlarge) and a form you can use to sign up to attend (or simply to request further information) can be found below:

Sign-up/Information Request Form

Venerable Bede’s Got Talent!

April 26th, 2019

Wonderful, entertaining night had by all at our anual talent show!


April 16th, 2019

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Directors, Staff and Pupils of Venerable Bede can find access to their files and email via the Resources Section found at the top-right of every page.

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Communications Director for National Theatre Visits Venerable Bede

March 7th, 2019

Soon after we returned in January we were lucky enough to have a visit from Martin Prendergast, previously Head of Communications for the National Theatre.

During his visit he gave an inspiring talk about his career and life experiences to pupils in years 9 through to 11. 

During his talk he led the pupils through his ‘top tips’ for how to succeed in their careers and then talked about his own journey. 

At the end of his presentation he held a question and answer segment where he answered the pupils’ questions about theatre, business and life in general. 

The pupils were very vocal in their enjoyment of the session and Martin hopes to visit again next year

Exams Already Underway!

March 7th, 2019

In January and February 2019 we undertook the first of our 2019 GCSE exams. 

Business and Health & Social Care pupils sat their exams in January and we wish them good luck with their results. 

Year 11’s are currently nearing the time that they will sit their English speaking, and Spanish speaking exams, as well as other exams such as Drama. 

GCSE Drama will be performing excerpts from ‘Girls Like That’, a play by Evan Placey. as part of their final performances. These will be observed by an external examiner.

An image from the rehearsals can be seen to the below, preparations are well in hand and we wish them the best of luck!

MP for Sunderland Central Visits Venerable Bede

March 7th, 2019

On Friday 1st February, members of the school councils from all years me MP Julie Elliot to talk about her career and ask any questions they may have about a career in Parliament or aspects of her job.

Julie Elliot has been a Member of Parliament since 2010 and in her speech to our council members she spoke about her education at Newcastle Polytechnic (which is now known as Northumbria University) where she graduated from at the age of 26 with a degree in Government and Public Policy. 

When it came to asking questions about Julie Elliot’s job our students were very inquisitive.

What are the best and worst aspects of your job?

She likes doing community work and helping out, especially locally. However, she isn’t keen on travelling but going from the North East to London is an essential part of her job and so the travel is compulsory.