
VB Music Department hits the right note (AGAIN)!

November 24th, 2023

We have, once again, been nominated by Sunderland Music Hub to become a Music Mark school for the 2023/24 academic year. We have been recognised for our commitment to a broad and balanced curriculum and the value that we place on music, and as a result, we have been nominated to become part of the Music Mark community.  

Mrs Bonner, Head of Music, said “It’s great to receive this positive recognition – especially considering the difficulties we’ve faced as a subject during the pandemic. The peripatetic team have done everything possible to help keep music active and raise it’s visibility and importance in the school curriculum. We are looking forward to a busy festive period this year where we can once again welcome live audiences to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas and join in community singing. 

As a department, we have approximately 25% of the school population engaged in small group singing and instrumental tuition on a weekly basis and run several after school clubs from rock bands to singing clubs. We have had a number of pupils sit their external ABRSM and Rockschool instrumental singing exams over the last 2 years, both remotely and face to face, and received some amazing results. The music staff have worked collaboratively to get involved in every opportunity to keep music alive in school, pre-recording performances for services and Christmas events. I am so proud to work with such a talented and committed team of peripatetic staff.” 


Community Christmas Concert 2023!

November 24th, 2023

VB Families – Click here to log in to ParentMail to purchase tickets

Year 7 Settling-In Evening – 12 October 2023

October 4th, 2023

Dear Parent/Carer,

We would like to invite you and your child to attend our Year 7 ‘Settling-In’ Evening on Thursday 12th October 2023 from 3.30pm to 6.00pm. This is an opportunity to speak with your child’s form tutor so that you can find out how your child has settled into Venerable Bede CE Academy. We will be holding this evening in school, via an appointments booking system operated through ‘SchoolCloud’.

The ‘SchoolCloud’ software is open for appointment bookings from 4pm on Tuesday 3rd October and will remain open until 4pm on Wednesday 11th October.

Please visit to book your appointments.

A short guide on how to log in to this software and add the appointment is included with this letter. You will need to enter your email address, First Name and Last Name, along with your child’s date of birth, to access the booking system. Once you have booked your appointment online, you will receive an email confirming your booking.

It may be helpful to jot down a few questions in advance of the evening, so your appointment is focused and makes the most of the time with your child’s form tutor. If you wish, you can also optionally leave a message for the form tutor to say what you’d like to discuss or to raise anything beforehand.

If you wish to discuss any generic pastoral concerns that you have, you can also arrange a meeting with your child’s Head of Year, Mrs Osmond.

We look forward to meeting you!

Summer Community Concert 2023

May 22nd, 2023


Venerable Bede CE Academy is delighted to once again have the exciting opportunity to work with other schools within our community and host an exciting concert during the summer term. The performance will take place on Wednesday, 5 July 2023, at 6pm (doors open 5.30pm, please note they will not be opened before this time).

Tickets are available via ParentMail. Please contact the school office for further information.

PUPIL COMPETITION! – Celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III

April 27th, 2023

It’s over 70 years since our last monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, was crowned.

On 6 May 2023 it will be the Coronation in London of King Charles III.

Venerable Bede CE Academy will be marking this historic event by planting a tree in the autumn. A special plaque is to be installed next to the tree. This is where you come in!

Every student at each of Northern Lights Learning Trust’s seven schools is invited to use the outline of King Charles’ head, found on the PDF linked below, as a starting point for something creative!

You could colour it in using pens or paint, you could make a collage using pictures or fabric, you could write a poem, or compose a new piece of music with lyrics (we’ll include a QR code on the plaque), let your imagination guide you!

The best entry from each school, in the opinion of the judges, will have their work preserved forever on a special plaque! There will also be prizes for the winners!

Please hand in your completed entry (with your name and age) to your form teacher by 9am on Wednesday 10 May.

Click this link or the thumbnail above to view/download the PDF

National Careers Week 2023, 6th-11th March 2023

March 6th, 2023

Venerable Bede CE Academy is proud to once again support National Careers Week! See below for useful information and guidance about the various careers paths open to young people as well as the events taking place this week.

The Parents Guide to National Careers Week

Virtual Careers Fair

The Virtual Careers Fair will go live on day 1 of Careers Week.

  • No registration required
  • No data is collected from students.
  • Tons of opportunities for students to explore

Careers in the Army

Careers in the Civil Service

The Civil Service is changing. Together we’re finding new ways to serve the public, work more efficiently, and make the government more transparent. We’re making the Civil Service a truly brilliant place to work.

Follow the link below to complete a ‘Career Matcher’ activity.

Careers at Sea

There are plenty of exciting careers in the maritime sector to choose from – both on and offshore. As a Deck, Engineering or Electro-technical Officer you could be in charge of operating and managing commercial ships. While becoming a Rating would make the most of your broad seafaring skills – from navigation and engine room maintenance to Catering, Hospitality and other Onboard Services. 

For shore-based jobs in ship management and other marine industries, you’ll find incredibly varied and rewarding opportunities such as maritime law, surveying ships or training future seafarers.

Visit the following link to find out more:

Careers in the NHS

Have you ever thought about a career in the NHS? Complete the ‘career finder’ or read about what it is like to work for the NHS.

Visit the following link to find out more:

Careers in STEM

Hope Video

Downloadable Resources