
VB Music Department hits the right note (AGAIN)!

December 8th, 2022

We have, once again, been nominated by Sunderland Music Hub to become a Music Mark school for the 2022/23 academic year. We have been recognised for our commitment to a broad and balanced curriculum and the value that we place on music, and as a result, we have been nominated to become part of the Music Mark community.  

Mrs Bonner, Head of Music, said “It’s great to receive this positive recognition – especially considering the difficulties we’ve faced as a subject during the pandemic. The peripatetic team have done everything possible to help keep music active and raise it’s visibility and importance in the school curriculum. We are looking forward to a busy festive period this year where we can once again welcome live audiences to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas and join in community singing. 

As a department, we have approximately 25% of the school population engaged in small group singing and instrumental tuition on a weekly basis and run several after school clubs from rock bands to singing clubs. We have had a number of pupils sit their external ABRSM and Rockschool instrumental singing exams over the last 2 years, both remotely and face to face, and received some amazing results. The music staff have worked collaboratively to get involved in every opportunity to keep music alive in school, pre-recording performances for services and Christmas events. I am so proud to work with such a talented and committed team of peripatetic staff.” 


Anti-Bullying Week 2022 – 14 to 18 November

November 11th, 2022

It’s Anti-Bullying Week 2022!

Events this week include:

Monday 14
  • Odd Socks Day – All pupils and staff are invited to join in. Pupils should wear normal uniform with their odd socks.
Wednesday 16 – During PD Lesson
  • An online production via the Theatre Online company. The play is called “Hope” and focuses on her story of being bullied.


Bring Kind to Others PDF

Design your own odd socks PDF

Case Study Activity PDF

Anti-Bullying Lesson PowerPoint


Community Christmas Concert 2022!

November 9th, 2022

VB Families – Click here to log in to ParentMail to purchase tickets

Partner Primary School Families – Please contact your Primary School for tickets

Open Evening 2022

September 22nd, 2022

Dear Parent/Carer

We would warmly like to invite you and your child to Venerable Bede’s Year 5 and 6 Open Evening on Tuesday 27 September 2022 from 5.00pm to 7.00pm.

There are always so many questions to ask as you begin to decide on the next step in your child’s education; our Open Evening gives both you and your child many opportunities to see what Venerable Bede CE Academy is really like.

During the evening, you have the opportunity to meet all of the staff and, most importantly, our pupils, who will be answering any questions and telling you all about their own experience at Venerable Bede.  Our prefects and our new Year 7 pupils, who have only been with us for 3 weeks and come from a variety of primary schools, will be available to chat to you and your child and help show you around all of our facilities and departments.  Who better to talk to your child than someone who has just gone through the same experience?  In addition, there will be a number of pupils working in each department area for you to meet.

School will open at 5.00pm with a presentation in the Main Hall during which we will share with you our vision.  The same presentation will be repeated, in the Main Hall, at 6.00pm. At Venerable Bede CE Academy, our mission is to make sure that pupils have as many opportunities as possible to succeed and grow so that they can all achieve their dreams.  We encourage our pupils to share our values of forgiveness, joy, hope, wisdom and perseverance so that they can work hard together as one community.

In November 2021, Ofsted confirmed that Venerable Bede CE Academy continues to be a “Good School”. The inspectors commented that, “The school’s Christian ethos is central to life at the academy”, and “Pupils benefit from a curriculum that is broad and ambitious. The curriculum builds on what pupils have studied in primary school and prepares them well for their next step in employment, education or training.”

Our Admissions Policy is very simple: all pupils are welcome.  Last year, many parents asked for support in filling out the online application form so, during the evening, there will be staff available to help you complete an application if you feel that Venerable Bede CE Academy is the right school for your child.  If you have not yet decided, or are unable to visit during our Open Evening, we will happily arrange for you to visit school at a convenient time – we have an open door policy and no question is too small.

We look forward to welcoming you on Tuesday 27 September 2022, and will be available throughout the evening to answer any questions.

Best regards


Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

September 9th, 2022

1926 – 2022

All of us at Venerable Bede Church of England Academy are deeply saddened by the news of the passing of Her Majesty The Queen. Our thoughts are with the Royal Family at this time.

Gracious God, we give thanks
for the life of your servant, Queen Elizabeth,
for her faith and her dedication to duty.
Bless our nation as we mourn her death
and may her example continue to inspire us;
through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Resources from the Church of England website can be found here.

Please find below a video message, shown in school today, from the Most Reverend and Right Honourable Justin Welby.

Congratulations Class of 2022!

August 25th, 2022

We are so proud of all our pupils and staff as we celebrate their achievements this year.  The past three years have been difficult for everyone, but the resilience, perseverance, positivity, wisdom and hope demonstrated by the Venerable Bede Community has been outstanding.  

Congratulations to all of our pupils on their hard-earned results! 

Below is a selection of images captured on Results Day!