
Remembering Oliver

August 22nd, 2022

Dear Parent/Carer,

Further to our recent letter sharing the tragic news of Oliver’s death, we would like to share with you some ways which we would like to support our pupils.

We appreciate that the process of coming to terms with any loss takes time. There also needs to be a multi-layered approach, as different pupils will react in different ways, and will need different support. Outlined below are some of the support mechanisms/activities we intend to provide over the course of the coming weeks and months as appropriate.

We intend to create a space in school for pupils who need extra support, or the opportunity to talk and be supported by a trusted adult. This will be available after school each day for a period of time. Pupils will be able to go there to talk or to simply sit to reflect and be still. Pupils may choose, for example, to simply light a candle to help them focus their thoughts.

Whilst the majority of pupils may find that being supported and talking to a trusted adult is what they need at this time, others may need more formalised “Grief and loss counselling”. School will be able to work together with families who feel that this is most appropriate for their child. There are a number of services available including online, as well as face-to-face counselling. Grief and loss counselling is a specialised field, and for those pupils who struggle to process the loss of someone close (particularly over the course of time), may require referral and access to these services. Families will play a critical role in identifying this need, as they know their children best and can inform school of concerns.

As you will be aware, we have a flexible “Personal Development Programme” which is taught weekly. We will work with our pupils during PD over the Autumn term, giving them the opportunity to understand and process what has happened, and recognise the impact which this may have had upon them as individuals.

When the time is right, we will hold a “Memorial Service of Celebration” for Oliver. There will be an opportunity for those pupils who were close to him to help plan and organise the service. We would also like to have a lasting “Memorial to Oliver” on school site. Again, we would like our pupils to help decide what this will be, and to work alongside staff to make it a reality.

We hope that we can take some comfort from the words of Psalm 34:18;
“The Lord is close to the broken hearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed”

Please join us in prayer

Father God, You are close to the broken hearted
You rescue those whose spirits are crushed
We are all struggling in our grief
I pray that You will open our eyes to Your presence and Your comforting arms I ask that You shine Your eternal light onto our souls

Help us to feel the joy of Your love
Guide us with Your wisdom
Help us to lean on Your strength
Enable us to emerge from our loss with a renewed spirit of love and hope.


We will continue to keep you updated, as appropriate, with any further information. These are very difficult times for everyone in our school community. We will need the support of each other to help us get through.


Mr. D. Airey Headteacher

Please see below links to online resources and advice around bereavement and having conversations about loss and grief with children.


Winston’s Wish | Supporting children following the death of the Queen | Winston’s Wish (

Early Years Alliance | Guidance for early years providers after death of Queen Elizabeth announced | early years alliance (

Barnardo’s | How to talk to your child about grief | Barnardo’s (

YoungMinds | Grief & Loss | Parents Guide To Support | YoungMinds

Kids Health | When a Loved One Dies: How to Help Your Child (for Parents) – Nemours KidsHealth

MindEd | MindEd is a free educational resource on children, young people and adult’s mental health

Music Week 2022

July 27th, 2022

Music got off to a flying start in Venerable Bede this academic year! 

We run small group instrumental and singing lessons and currently have over 200 pupils taking lessons each week, alongside our extra-curricular singing club and rock bands. 

We re-launched music to our new year 7s through our Music Week event on Monday 12th September. Aimed at re-invigorating music in schools post COVID-19, the Music Hub gave funds to schools to enable us to have our peripatetic music teachers deliver a bespoke event featuring a range of musical performances, teacher demonstrations, question and answer sessions and a re-launch of singing together in worship.

Ruth Bonner, Head of Music at Venerable Bede CE Academy, said:

“Music Week at Venerable Bede has not only raised the profile of instrumental teaching and extracurricular opportunities available within the department, it has also given pupils a sense of excitement about their curriculum music lessons and promoted large group singing.

The positive feedback from pupils since the event has been overwhelming with uptake to lessons increasing rapidly. Our Music Week event has been the highlight of the academic year so far. Music tutors and departmental staff put on a live performance together, playing songs such as “This Is Me”, “Footloose”, “Don’t Stop Believing” and “Thinking Out Loud”. Our new year 7 pupils loved listening and joining in and there was a real buzz in the atmosphere with lots of positive comments from both pupils and staff. We will continue to run assemblies like this in the future.”

Our Senior Leadership Team added:

“We are incredibly lucky to have such a talented and dedicated team of musicians working at Venerable Bede Academy to educate our young people. Year 7 thoroughly enjoyed seeing the Music Team doing what it does best. The atmosphere was such that it left our pupils inspired to learn an instrument” 


Summer Community Concert 2022

June 8th, 2022



The Venerable Bede CE Academy are delighted that we have the exciting opportunity to work with some local feeder primary schools and host, at our academy, a community concert during the summer term. The performance will take place on Wednesday 6th July 2022 at 6pm (doors open 5.30pm, please note they will not be opened before this time).

The evening will feature vocal and instrumental performances from students at Venerable Bede CE Academy, St Paul’s Primary School, New Silksworth Academy & East Herrington Primary Academy. There will also be the opportunity to see our successful acts from Sunderland’s ‘Search for a Star’ competition, perform their pieces and celebrate their success!

Tickets are available via ParentMail. Please contact the school office for further information.

Double Success at Sunderland’s Sarch for a Star!!!

April 8th, 2022

D O U B L E   S U C C E S S   

A T   S U N D E R L A N D   

S E A R C H   F O R   A   S T A R ! ! !

On Wednesday 6th April we took 2 acts to Sunderland College to compete in the Search for a Star talent show. What a night and what a fantastic showcase of talent in Sunderland. There were 12 secondary schools participating.

Venerable Bede acts were awarded 2nd and 3rd place – a fantastic achievement! In 2nd place, the Runner-Up award went to Matthew, our Head Boy, who sang an arrangement of I’m Still Standing from Rocketman. In 3rd place, the Rising Star award went to Vennerz, one of our rock bands, performed Love Story with a twist – our talented drummer completed 2 Rubix cubes during the band’s performance!

Mrs Bonner, Head of Music, said “It was great to see such a variety of talent from across many different art forms and the performers clearly really enjoyed seeing each other schools’ performances as well as feeling a great sense of achievement about their own performance. I am so proud of our pupils – they are extremely committed and talented and have worked hard to prepare for this event. To secure 2 of the top 3 places is an amazing achievement and we are all delighted with the results. It has been a very rewarding experience.”

Mr Exley, Assistant Headteacher, said “The wealth of talent attending Sunderland Search for a star is incredible. Given this high standard, we are incredibly proud to have not one, but two acts finish in the top three for the evening.” 




Tickets Available Now!

March 16th, 2022

Sunderland’s ‘Search for a Star’ – Tickets Now Available!

March 16th, 2022

U P D A T E !

A C T S   C H O S E N

After an intense round of auditions, we have found the two Venerable Bede acts who will represent us at the upcoming Sunderland Music Hub ‘Search for a Star’ event!

The successful candidates are:

Matthew who will perform as a solo singer


Charlie, Sam, Erin, Ashlayne, Lexie, Andrew, Brandon and Jack who will perform as a group – ‘The Vennerz Rock Band’

Congratulations to all of them and from our community we wish you the very best of luck!!!

T I C K E T S   A V A I L A B L E   N O W ! ! !

We have received the below communication from the organisers of the event which contains information on how you can book tickets to attend the event!

Dear Search for a Star school!

It has been great to hear that you’ve had a great time choosing acts for Search for a Star and for some schools, actually having a live audience back for the first time in ages!  Whether you’ve done a public event to find your participants or you’ve just done it within your department, the good news is the tickets are now ON SALE for the grand final on April 6th!
Tickets are being sold on a ‘pay what you feel’ system.
Here is the link!
We are glad to be having the following schools perform:
St Aidan’s
Academy 360
Venerable Bede CE Academy
Sandhill View
The event will be hosted by Monkwearmouth (previous winners) taking place at Sunderland College.
Thank you,
Laura Tindall
(Sunderland Music Hub)