
Malicious Communications – Sources of Support

November 1st, 2021

This half term in Personal Development all pupils have received a talk about Malicious Communications from the Violence Reduction Unit (part of the work carried out by the Northumbrian Police and Crime Commissioner). 

Pupils received pertinent information about the legal implications of sending and receiving text messages via online platforms for example nude images and threatening content.

Pupils learnt about the communications that are illegal, the consequences of sending and forwarding such messages and what to do if they received these messages themselves.

This talk served to reinforce the learning in Personal Development that tackles being safe online, sexual harassment, anti-bullying and abuse. 

Further to these sessions, please find below a poster that will be displayed around the academy which shows sources of support should anyone have any issues in relation to this.  

Music Week 2021 – A flying Start to the Year!

October 7th, 2021

Music got off to a flying start in Venerable Bede this academic year! We run small group instrumental and singing lessons and currently have almost 200 pupils taking lessons each week, along side our extra-curricular singing club and rock bands. We re-launched music to our new year 7s through our Music Week event on Monday 20th September. Aimed at re-invigorating music in schools post COVID-19, the Music Hub gave funds to schools to enable us to have our peripatetic music teachers deliver a bespoke event featuring a range of musical performances, teacher demonstrations, question and answer sessions and a re-launch of singing together in worship.

Ruth Bonner, Head of Music at Venerable Bede CE Academy said:

“Music Week at Venerable Bede has not only raised the profile of instrumental teaching and extracurricular opportunities available within the department, it has also given students a sense of excitement about their curriculum music lessons and promoted large group singing, something that children have been unable to do for over a year. The overall effect has been really positive with uptake to lessons increasing rapidly. Our Music Week event has been the highlight of the academic year so far. Music tutors and departmental staff put on a live performance together, playing songs such as Walking On Sunshine, Footloose, Don’t Stop Believing and Dance Monkey. Our new year 7 pupils loved listening and joining in and there was a real buzz in the atmosphere with lots of positive comments from both pupils and staff. We will definitely run assemblies like this in the future.”

Our Senior Leadership Team added:

“We are incredibly lucky to have such a talented and dedicated team of musicians working at Venerable Bede Academy to educate our young people. Year 7 thoroughly enjoyed seeing the Music Team doing what it does best. The atmosphere was such that it left our students inspired to learn an instrument” 


Music Week 2021

September 7th, 2021

Congratulations Class of 2021!

August 31st, 2021

We are so proud of all our pupils and staff as we celebrate their achievements this year.  The past two years have been difficult for everyone, but the resilience, perseverance positivity, wisdom and hope demonstrated by the Venerable Bede Community has been outstanding.  

On 12th August, we experienced great joy in the fantastic success of our pupils and we are delighted to celebrate a great set of results for the Class of 2021.  Congratulations to all of our pupils on their hard-earned results.  Below are some of the pictures from results day…

Venerable Bede Transition Summer School 2021

July 9th, 2021


The Venerable Bede Summer School 2021 will run as part of our transition programme this year. Due to social distancing and current government guidelines, our Summer School is being organised differently than in past years in order to allow all pupils joining us in September to be given the opportunity to explore the school and start to develop relationships with some of their peers and members of staff here at Venerable Bede.


A schedule of the Summer School can be seen below (Click the image to enlarge), as you will see the sessions will run over a 4-day programme with each Tutor Group attending a session lasting 2.5 hours. The session will allow your child to meet and interact with other pupils from their new Tutor Group along with some of our staff here at Venerable Bede. We are planning a variety of activities including a whole school scavenger hunt and an inter-tutor literacy competition – with prizes of course!

The summer school is free of charge. Pupils will be provided with refreshments during each session. Please note that pupils are only permitted to attend the session organised for their specific Tutor Group. If you are unsure as to your child’s Tutor Group please submit your enquiry via email to the below address and we will resolve and reply to you as soon as possible.

If you would like your child to attend the Transition Summer School, please log-in to your newly created Parentmail account and visit the section named forms. In this area, you will find a form named – Transition Summer School Consent Form

Can you please complete the entire online form no later than Wednesday the 14 July 2021?
If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to get in touch via email or any of the methods on our ‘Contact Us‘ page and we will do all that we can to assist you.

There’s also a lot of really useful information and activities available in our Transition Hub!

Many thanks

Mr M Crampton


Year 11 Leavers Celebration and Farewell Video 2021

June 23rd, 2021

As we prepare to bid farewell to our class of 2021, staff and pupils have worked together to share some of their thoughts and wishes. Please enjoy the video below.