
A Message for Secondary Schools from Bishop Paul

December 8th, 2020

United Against Bullying – #ANTIBULLYINGWEEK 16 to 20 November 2020

November 16th, 2020

It’s Anti-Bullying Week 2020 and today we’re launching our brand new Anti-Bullying Hub!

The Hub can be accessed by clicking this link or using the main purple navigation bar at the top of each page via PUPILS > VB Anti-Bullying Hub. 

When navigating the Hub, you will see our definition of bullying, how the VIPacronym for bullying is used in school, what we do as a school as well as what to do if you need support.

There is our online report bullying’ button which will take pupils to an online form to report any bullying events

The ‘timeline’ section of the Hub illustrates the school’s journey towards our Anti-bullying vision.  

Other events this week include:


16 November to 20 November 2020

Check this page often to follow the exciting activities taking place during this year’s event!

Monday 16
  • Odd Socks Day
  • Anti-Bullying Song with lyrics written by the pupils 
  • “United Against Bullying” film and brief PowerPoint
Tuesday 17
  • Anti-Bullying Survey
  • Anti-Bullying documentary
  • Anti-Bullying Hub launch.
  • Puzzle Piece pledge “United against bullying. What role will you play? “
Wednesday 18
  • Anti-Bullying Week Parent and Carer Event streamed live on Facebook at 8.30 pm with Kidscape and SafeToNet.
Thursday 19  
Friday 20
  • Puzzle Piece pledge “United against bullying. What role will you play? ” Message of unity and working together.

STAR (Safer Travel and Roads) North East and Yorkshire – Service 2020

November 13th, 2020

Dear Parents / Carers / Pupils / Staff and Friends of Venerable Bede CE Academy

Please find below, a Service coordinated by “STAR” (Safer Travel and Roads) on the theme of Road Safety – one which is close to us all at VBCEA.

Our Head Girl, and Head Boy have been involved in the creation of this resource. I would like to thank them very much for their contributions to the project.

Prayers by The Venerable Bede CE Academy [11:35]

Prayers by Reverend Sylvia Wilson and Ian Ramsey CE Academy [20:22]

Please do try and find the time to take a moment and watch the video with your family. As the winter nights draw in, we all need to play our part in making the roads a safer place for everyone.


Mr D. Airey

Virtual Open Evening

October 2nd, 2020

Welcome to our Virtual Open Event for 2020 where you can: explore our academy, meet our staff and pupils, and connect with our DEEP curriculum!

Please explore the resources below and contact us using the ‘Contact Us‘ page if you have any questions…

The resources on this page will grow and evolve over the coming days so check back often!

We have also made the resources from our ‘Transition 2020’ event available via the button on the left of this page. 

If you would like to apply to join us here at Venerable Bede CE Academy, CLICK HERE

Video Presentation

Interactive Tour

Explore our academy… In many of the spaces featured in this tour, you will be able to meet the Head of Department as well as access an overview of the curriculum for that particular subject.

Please see below for some top tips for interacting with this resource.

If you are viewing this page on a computer, this icon in the dock at the bottom of the image will open the tour full screen. We think that this is the best way to experience the tour.

If you are viewing this page on a mobile device, CLICK HERE to view the tour full screen in a new tab.

You can navigate the tour by clicking the white ‘down arrow’ in the centre-top of the image to access each space directly or tap this icon in the dock at the centre-bottom of the image to navigate via the floorplan of the school (you can dismiss the floorplan by clicking the ‘X’ in the top right of the pop-up).
When viewing on a mobile device tapping this icon will activate/deactivate the gyroscope. Doing this will toggle the ability to ‘look around’ the room by moving your device rather than tapping and dragging.

If you are viewing this page on a mobile device, CLICK HERE to view the tour full screen in a new tab.

If you find this icon in a space you’re exploring, activate it to read an overview of the curriculum in that subject.
If you find this icon in a space you’re exploring, activate it to either meet the Head of Department and hear more about the subject overall or see a video presentation relevant to the space. 


If you would like to apply to join us here at Venerable Bede CE Academy, CLICK HERE


September 7th, 2020

Following an evaluation of our school risk assessment, the rise in Covid19 cases in the North East and concerns raised from parents and carers, we have decided to update our risk assessment regarding facemasks and cleaning procedures. Effective from 8th September, or as soon as possible thereafter, the main changes are: 

  • All pupils, unless agreed with the school due to personal circumstances, must wear facemasks when entering and leaving the grounds, in corridors and in all social areas.  
  • In classrooms, pupils may wear a face mask if they wish to, but this is optional. 
  • Workspace cleaning in classrooms will be reduced to once per lesson – when pupils enter the room. This is because we have acknowledged that cleaning of the same desk space is currently being carried out twice within five minutes. All spaces will be thoroughly cleaned at the end of the school day in line with our school cleaning regime. 

We appreciate that some parents may not have access to a facemask immediately and so if you cannot provide a facemask for your child, please contact the school and we will provide a temporary mask.  

If you do not want your child to wear a mask, please inform the school office and a member of staff will contact you to discuss further. 

We will continue to evaluate all Covid19 practices in school and would like to thank Parents/Carers for their support and input so far. Together, we are confident that we can continue to ensure safe working practices for all. 

Additional, Previously Available Guidance

To help you as you return/join us after the Summer, we have brought together a few helpful resources for you.

Please take the time to go over these and share them with your friends and parents/carers… If you have any questions afterwards, remember that everything will be explained/discussed on the first day of term (Wednesday 2 September for Year 7 and Thursday 3 September Years 8, 9, 10 & 11) and you can always contact the school via the ‘Contact Us‘ page.

For those joining us this year, there is further information in our ‘Transition Hub‘.




Please note these documents are provided as guidance only, full explanations will be given to pupils on their first day back.

Please also note, information on this page, including but not limited to the structure of the school day, supersedes that in any other section of the website or handbook.

Guidance on Our New Normal

August 26th, 2020

To help you as you return/join us after the Summer, we have brought together a few helpful resources for you.

Please take the time to go over these and share them with your friends and parents/carers… If you have any questions afterwards, remember that everything will be explained/discussed on the first day of term (Wednesday 2 September for Year 7 and Thursday 3 September Years 8, 9, 10 & 11) and you can always contact the school via the ‘Contact Us‘ page.

For those joining us this year there is further information in our ‘Transition Hub‘.




Please note these documents are provided as guidance only, full explanations will be given to pupils on their first day back.

Please also note, information on this page, including but not limited to the structure of the school day, supersedes that in any other section of the website or handbook.